Creating suitable work times

There can be real business benefits when you’re flexible about the hours that people with disability work. Creating suitable work times can help your organisation attract and retain good people, reduce stress, and improve the morale and productivity of your staff.

Flexible work arrangements can be useful if your employee has periods when his or her disability affects their ability to work. By allowing your employees to take leave or breaks when their disability is hampering them, you’ll have the confidence of knowing they are performing to their full capacity when they are working.

Examples of how work arrangements can be flexible

  • allowing extra breaks if your employee has pain or fatigue issues
  • allowing flexible working hours if your employee has a condition that fluctuates
  • allowing your employee to take paid and unpaid leave
  • allowing your employee to have a say about rostering
  • sharing a job between a person with disability and a co-worker
  • allowing your employee to work part time
  • allowing your employee to work from home.

Consider implementing flexible work arrangements over a trial period. 

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