Australian Government assistance provided for the workplace



Job Access—once they came on board—yes, it was a very easy process. They were wonderful to work with.

They've assisted me with adaptive aids and equipment. So over the years as my hearing impairment has changed and my needs have increased, I've been able to access their program and access new technology and that's been a great help to me financially.

I've accessed the work place modification scheme, and went through that process to gain my own work place modifications, I work from home so I've got a range of supports that I use in my home office.

I have received help from a job services provider to help me find a job, they called up agencies and they helped look at my cover letter and resume, and improved them to tailor them directly to the organisations.

They looked and found an open position at a coffee shop.

So I've had a sit stand desk, a foot rest, a flexible working arrangement and I asked for a disability awareness training for my team.

Our office only had quite heavy doors for access and I used to find it difficult with the walking frame to navigate in and out. So my employer organised to have automatic opening doors.

Through Job Access I have received some equipment so I use a track ball on the computer, I use some voice recognition software.

I have had federal government assistance for work place modifications in my office, I went through the Job Access website, and then received a chair, a modified keyboard, it makes my job a whole lot easier.

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