Subsidised wages for people with disability

As a service provider, you may offer wage subsidies to employers as a financial incentive to take on people with disability in a new job. Wage subsidies are generally paid to an employer during the first few months of a person’s employment, provided the employer intends to offer the person sustainable and ongoing work after the subsidy period has ended.

The main type of wage subsidy available to assist people with disability is available through the Disability Employment Services (DES) Wage Subsidy Scheme. The Wage Start subsidy is also available to help employers take on people who have been receiving DES support for at least 12 months and can work at least 15 hours per week; or have been offered a job with their host employer after completing a Youth PaTH Internship. There is also a Restart wage subsidy for mature workers (aged 50 years and over).

The wage subsidy process:

  • Determine the need for wage subsidy assistance
  • Determine job applicant, employer and job placement eligibility
  • Negotiate the wage subsidy with the employer prior to the job starting
  • Complete and sign a wage subsidy agreement with the employer, recording the details in the ESS Web,
  • Monitor and collect evidence of the placement
  • Pay the employer
  • Claim reimbursement through the ESS Web.

Further information about wage subsidies is available on the Wage Subsidy webpage.

For more information, refer to the relevant wage subsidy guidelines on the Disability Employment Services Provider portal.

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