Getting help for an interview

If you need special help to attend and participate in an interview, you can discuss your disability and your needs with your potential employer. 

For example, if you are deaf, you may require a sign language interpreter to be present at the interview. If you have vision impairment, you may need detailed instructions and extra time to find the location of the interview.

Such help is called ‘reasonable adjustment’. It enables you to be equally considered during the selection process. If you require reasonable adjustments, have a conversation with the employer before the interview. Be clear about why you are mentioning your disability and your needs for the interview.

Your potential employer is then required to take your disability into account. The organisation must take appropriate steps to accommodate you at the interview. If your employer would like some advice about making reasonable adjustments, you could provide them with the phone number for the JobAccess Advisers, 1800 464 800, or direct them to this website.

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