Attracting the best candidates

A person with disability may well be the very best candidate for a position that your organisation has vacant.

Some job advertisements are very specific and complex about the requirements of the role. Some organisations also use job vacancy templates that include lots of unnecessary information. This can deter people with disability from applying. There are, however, some simple ways to encourage more people with disability to apply for jobs.

Put a statement in the job advertisement that you welcome applicants who have disability.

State that you will make reasonable adjustments for applicants with disability.

Create an ‘entry level’ job description that includes training and induction for candidates with disability. Only include things in the job description and selection criteria that are essential for the specific position that is vacant. Indicate your willingness to provide flexible work arrangements, and be open to doing some parts of the job differently.

A provider of Disability Employment Services or a JobAccess Adviser can help with designing and promoting jobs for people with disability.

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