Vision Statement of the Complaints Resolution and Referral Service

The vision of the Complaints Resolution and Referral Service (CRRS) is to provide an independent, fair, impartial and nationally accessible complaints resolution and referral service for people with disability who are service users of Disability Employment or Advocacy Services funded under the Disability Services Act (1986).

The CRRS achieves this through the:

  • Facilitation and encouragement of local resolution of issues between service providers and service users.
  • Facilitation of a more formal complaint resolution process if the above is unsuccessful.
  • Making referrals to alternative organisations when issues are not related to the jurisdiction of the CRRS.

In all of the above situations, the CRRS will monitor progress and outcomes to ensure that the complaint is dealt with within a reasonable timeframe.

Who can complain to the CRRS?

Complaints can be made by clients of services funded by the Department of Social Services (DSS) under the conditions specified in the Disability Services Act (1986). Complainants may sometimes be assisted by their families or advocates.

These services include:

  • Disability Employment Services and Australian Disability Enterprises (formerly known as Business Services);
  • Advocacy Services (funded by DSS).

To get assistance from the CRRS to look into a complaint a person needs to:

  • be someone with disability; or
  • be a person who is concerned about a person with disability who uses these services
  • live somewhere in Australia
  • have a complaint about a service of one or other of the types listed above which is funded under the Commonwealth Disability Services Act (1986)
  • have a complaint that is no more than two years old
  • have a complaint that has not been previously raised, investigated and closed with the CRRS;


  • be a service that wants information to resolve or prevent a complaint
  • be a service that wants information on how to improve policies and procedure

CRRS Responsibilities

The CRRS will:

  • promote CRRS services to clients, their carer’s, service providers, advocacy organisations and the broader community using information products
  • maintain a highly visible, easily accessible and highly responsive complaints resolution and referral service Australia wide
  • provide an environment that enables people to feel comfortable about making a notification about abuse or neglect
  • receive complaints and notifications about Australian Government funded service providers through a personalised active intake process
  • handle complaints and notifications in an appropriate manner that is personalised and sensitive to the needs of people with disability and is in line with the National Standards for Disability Services and the policy and procedural manuals
  • refer complaints and notifications to other jurisdictions
  • Facilitate the purchase of advocacy services for complainants / notifiers (which are funded by the Australia Government), where necessary
  • Provide or facilitate access to outreach services to consumers in rural and remote locations
  • assist the Department of Employment and DSS with requests for information received from the Ombudsman
  • refer non-target matters that relate to DSS or the Department of Employment funded services to the most appropriate service
  • manage written complaints forwarded by DSS and the Department of Employment
  • investigate abuse and neglect matters referred from the Hotline for DSS funded services
  • respond to ad hoc requests for information by DSS or the Department of Employment
  • provide advice and support to DSS staff and the Department of Employment National Customer Service Line staff on appropriate strategies for handling difficult or complex queries and complaints from people with disability
  • notify the Department of Employment or DSS regarding service provider non-cooperation and major breaches
  • record complaint and notification data and analysis to produce ‘management information’ on the nature of complaints and the major issues arising
  • maintain an appropriately skilled workforce to deliver the CRRS and the Hotline through ongoing professional training.

What is a CRRS Target Matter?

The CRRS is principally set up to deal with enquiries and complaints that meet the following criteria:

  • involve a person with a disability living anywhere in Australia; and
  • involve a complaint related to the National Standards for Disability Services/Advocacy Standards about a service that is a DSS funded Australian Disability Enterprise, Disability Employment Service or Advocacy Service.

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