The Australian Government has launched Employ My Ability – the Disability Employment Strategy

6 December 2021

Employ My Ability – the Disability Employment Strategy

The Australian Government has released Employ My Ability - the Disability Employment Strategy.

Employ My Ability is an Associated Plan under Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031, which outlines the Governments ten-year commitment to improving employment outcomes for people with disability.

Employ My Ability is a guiding framework for governments, employers and the broader community towards an inclusive workforce that values diverse talent and where people with disability can reach their full potential.

Employ My Ability has been informed by the voices of people with disability, their families and carers, advocacy organisations, peak bodies, employers and service providers.

The vision is clear: to create inclusive workplaces where people with disability can thrive in their careers.

Through Employ My Ability, the Government is looking to make meaningful changes to the way supports to jobseekers with disability are delivered, and empower employers to confidently recruit people with disability.

Employ My Ability has a focus on four priority areas:

  1. Lifting employer engagement, capability and demand
  2. Building employment skills, experience and confidence of young people with disability
  3. Improving systems and services for job seekers and employers
  4. Changing community attitudes

Businesses, clients, the community and the economy all benefit when more people with disability have jobs. Collective collaboration will be the driving force behind the success of this strategy.

We all have an important role to play and the time to start is now.

Where to find Employ My Ability

Find out how you can contribute to the success of this strategy by visiting:

There is also a range of employer fact sheets available to encourage employer action and direct employers to available supports.

Employ My Ability is available in Easy Read and Auslan, with language translations, Braille and Large Print Overlay available on request.

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